Shipping to us from Outside Canada

Please do not send your watch in it's original case

Wrap your watch securely. It can be sent in a padded envelope or small box. When sending your timepiece it is recommended that it is sent with a tracking number.
When shipping to us from outside of Canada you will be required to fill out a
Canada Customs form.
On that form simply put " Watch for Repair "
and in the value column " $ 1.00 "
If there is any higher value put on the customs form Canada Customs will charge us Duty and Taxes on that value making your repair more expensive.
We no longer except any parcels where Duty and Taxes have to be paid.
We have found that sending your watch via Post though it takes a day longer is the best for clearing customs.
If you elect to ship your parcel FedEx the estimate for repairs to the watch will not be emailed to you until approx. 3+ weeks later.
Include the following information with your watch
Please type or print clearly especially the e-mail address
Your name :
Complete Return address :
Phone numbers (Day Time) (Mobile) :
E-mail address :
A note with what you think is wrong or what work you would like performed on your watch
Ship your timepiece to:
10520 Yonge Street
Unit 35B
Richmond Hill, ON
L4C 3C7